Social and Community
This service provides a Support Worker to assist participants to work towards achieving their goals in accessing the community and complete social tasks.
Workers are carefully matched to assist you to achieve your goals in your every day life which could include:
shopping and accessing community services, groups and supports,
attending social or sporting events,
participating in employment or more.
With a wide range of relevant skills and qualifications EFI Support workers are reliable and professional.
Household Support
This service provides a Support Worker who assists participants (who are physically unable to complete essential aspects of their home cleaning) with physical tasks that can include:
dishes and household rubbish,
wiping down bench tops
cleaning ovens and inside fridges
vacuuming and mopping floors,
dusting and dishwashing,
changing and washing bed linen,
washing, pegging out, drying clothes
the organising, sorting or storage of household items to maintain a safe, secure and healthy household.
Yard Maintenance
This service provides a Support Worker who assists participants (who are physically unable to complete essential aspects of their home/yard maintenance) with physical tasks that support a safe and secure house and yard which can include:
outdoor yard sweeping and cleaning,
clear pathways and walking areas,
basic car cleaning,
basic mowing and rubbish disposal,
cans and bottles runs,
securing of loose materials,
basic maintenance to maintain a safe, secure and healthy house and yard and outdoor environment.