Track your NDIS Budgets
Make Eyre Futures Inc. your choice to track your NDIS budgets and pay your service providers for your supports.
Our experienced NDIS Plan Management team provide independent NDIS advice expertise and insight to unlock your NDIS Plans potential to help you achieve your goals.
Plan Management Team
Plan Manager Annette Karam 0488 789 010
Accounts Corrinne Lambeff & Ainsley Parker
Get your plan working for you!
EFI Support Coordinators assist to get all your supports up and running, to access your local community and ensure service agreements and bookings are completed.
We assist you in planning ahead to prepare for your plan review and we put your choice and control first.
Support Coordinators Port Lincoln:
Faye Davis 0480 425 534
Jessie Smith 0480 447 210
Louise Trevor 0480 447 444
Sue Versteeg 0477 267 465
Ceduna Support Coordination Team:
Joanne Hoffrichter 0480 410 043
Pre-Planning Kerrie Harrison 0438 863 733
School Leavers Employment Support
Capacity building supports for students transitioning from school to employment. SLES is available during the final months at school and continues post school exit.
Workplace Assistance
Enables a participant to successfully obtain or retain employment in the open or supported labour market. This support can be tailored and supplied to working age participants (and students reaching working age) with an employment goal.
F&KAJ Team 0480 483 736
Program Coordinator Philippa Schmucker
Coordinator Holly Elton
Arno Bay, Bookabie, Ceduna, Cleve, Coffin Bay, Cowell, Cummins, Elliston, Kimba, Minnipa, Oak Valley, Penong, Poochera, Port Kenny, Port Lincoln. Port Neil, Smoky Bay, Streaky Bay, Tumby Bay, Wangary, Wirrulla, Whyalla, Wudinna, Yalata and all surrounding areas.
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Our Strategic Plan 2022 – 2027 captures our commitment to diversity and inclusion: Respect Diversity Empowerment - We treat everyone with courtesy and respect and seek to empower our clients in choice, control and increased opportunities. We encourage independence and acknowledge people’s gifts. We support each other in all endeavours. We have a diverse group of employees and partner with a broad range of individuals and groups who have a wide range of skills and life experiences. This knowledge and practice base has informed and enriched our daily delivery and helps us to build strong relationships with the people we support and empower them in their endeavours.
Statement for independence and informed choices (Personal Autonomy) Eyre Futures Inc. supports individuals to make informed choices, exercise control and maximise their independence relating to the supports provided. •Active decision-making and individual choice is supported for each participant including the timely provision of information using the language, mode of communication and terms that the participant is most likely to understand. •Each participant’s right to the dignity of risk in decision-making is supported. When needed, each participant is supported to make informed choices about the benefits and risks of the options under consideration. •Each participant’s autonomy is respected, including their right to intimacy and sexual expression – see section below. •Each participant has sufficient time to consider and review their options and seek advice if required, at any stage of support provision, including assessment, planning, provision, review and exit. •Each participant’s right to access an advocate (including an independent advocate) of their choosing is supported, as is their right to have the advocate present.
The Social Model of Disability - which is a way of viewing the world, developed by people living with disability. The model says that people are disabled by barriers in society, such as buildings not having a ramp or accessible toilets, or people’s attitudes such as assuming people with disability can’t do certain things. The Medical model of Disability says people are disabled by their impairments or differences and looks at what is ‘wrong’ with the person not what the person needs. We believe that medical model of disability creates low expectations and leads to people losing independence, choice and control in their lives. The social model helps us recognise barriers that make life harder for people with disability. Removing these barriers creates equality and offers people with disability more independence, choice and control. Sourced from the Australian Federation of Disability Organisations.